5G's Meaning behind the message
As organizations begin to dive into the incredible opportunities which 5G is offering, it is critical that those organizations keep in mind the infamous line delivered by Jeff Goldblum in the movie Jurassic Park…. “We were so busy asking if we could, that we never stopped to ask if we should!”
What is meant by this precisely? If industry has taught us anything, it certainly would be that as we find ourselves with “faster” bandwidth, we often tend towards a mindset of - don’t worry about it - there’s so much bandwidth/memory/disk-space/etc… Thus, sound and solid architectures can fall short. I bring this up only to state that while I’m super excited about 5G’s speeds and vast device connections, it will remain critical that organizations don’t forget the power of edge computing and transmit data responsibly.
Always remember, data transfer cost the user at some level regardless of the speed - it is still “more” data…
5G Access
Coverage! As was the case with 4G, so too is it the case with 5G. For the time being it will be critical for organizations when evaluating their mobile strategy ability to leverage 5G that coverage is a very real consideration today. What is your user’s demographic both physically as well as the likelihood that they currently own a 5G capable device.
Some points to consider when evaluating 5G and your mobile strategy:
- Does the location my users are most likely in have 5G coverage
- What is the behavior as our users transition in and out of 5G
- Are my users not only likely to have, but have a real desire to leverage 5G capable devices
- How does 5G’s performance impact your organization’s edge computing strategy
- What is your organization’s data transmission retention, edge storage, and transmission strategy